How much does Elementor Pro cost?

What is it? Price of an Elementor Pro licence? Is this a license that can be used on several sites? Should we pay every month or year? And is it worth it?

In this quick article, I decorate for you all the plans of Elementor Pro licenses.

1 - Why pass Elementor Pro ?

AlthoughElementor either a free and powerful plugin, Elementor Pro – as for him – is one premium extension and therefore pay.

(Discover here the guide to start with free Elementor)

You can be fine. build your site with free version but know that you won’t find all the features we’re waiting for on a page-builder.

It is certainly for this reason that there is a whole battalion d’addons pour Elementor.

However, you have to keep in mind that addons freemiums that you will find on the official directory extensions were developed by third parties. This may have consequences over the long term, if these third-party plugins are no longer maintained correctly.

It is certainly for this reason that many users prefer to bet on addons of the official brand and which are included in the pro version of the plugin.

2 - Elementor Pro Licence Price: 5 plans available

Like most premium extensions, Elementor Pro is proposed under 5 types of licences.

Therefore, you can choose the one that suits you best.

Unfortunately, the proposed plans are quite limited:

  • you cannot pay monthly: each license is sold for a minimum year.
  • there is no LIFETIME offer: plans are offered as an annual subscription. No opportunities to acquire life licence.

All licenses offer the same functionality and duration: 1 year of updates.

The difference is made in the number of sites where the license is active and the type of support.

Plan Essential

$ 59 per year
  • 1 site
  • 1 year of MAJ
  • 1 year premium support

Plan Expert

$ 199 per year
  • 25 sites
  • 1 year of MAJ
  • 1 year premium support

Plan Agency

$ 399 per year
  • 1000 sites
  • 1 year of MAJ
  • 1 year premium support

3 - In which case choose the Plan Essential ?

The plan Personal is the first premium plan proposed.

For $59/year, you can use Elementor Pro on a single WordPress site.

Don’t try to install the plugin on another site, you can’t activate your API key.

This plan is ideal if you create a WordPress site for your business or want to launch a blog.

4 - In which case choose the Plan Expert ?

The plan Expert, for him, will allow you to install Elementor Pro on 25 WordPress sites maximum.

The plan Expert is ideal if you start creating freelance WordPress sites.

With the New Elementor Pro Pricing (2023), this license can be installed on only 25 sites, while with the old pricing you could install up to 1000 sites for the same price... Too bad!

This plan will cost you about $8 per site per year (for 25 sites).


5 - In which case chosir le Plan Agency ?

The plan Agency Well bear his name!

It's a long way from the time you're smiling to close the ends of the month. Now that you have your own agency web and service providers or employees, you will have to equip yourself with this license!

Thanks to her, you'll be able to see install Elementor Pro on more than 25 sites and up to 1000 sites !


On the other hand, it is not given, but you will quickly amortize it!

This will cost you about $0.40 per site and per year (per 1000 sites).

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Ready to go to the top speed?

Go! *

6 - What happens if we don't renewal not The license?

You must have wondered what will happen after a year if you have decided not to renew your license...

Don't panic!

The renewal is automatic but you can easily stop it from your account.

If you decide not renew your Elementor Pro licence, this is what will happen:

  • site will always work.
  • You can always create new pages with the premium widgets on the builder page.


  • you can't more update the plugin.
  • You won't benefit not new features or bug fixes which are implemented during updates.
  • you can't more contact the support If you have a problem.
  • you can't not transfer the plugin on another site (because at the time of activation, your API key will be invalid).

In my opinion, agencies and freelances have every interest in renewing their license every year.

On the other hand, for a “little blog” where it is mainly the writing of articles that prey on creating new pages or for a showcase site whose design is already done, it is questionable.

Some users decide to renew their Pro license one year in two: so the license costs them twice as much as expensive and the plugin is still updated.

Important: Elementor is a registered trademark. This site is independent and is not sponsored by Elementor. Some links in this blog are affiliate links. This means that if you buy products that I have recommended (and tested), the brand will reward me with a commission, it will not increase the price of your basket because it is the brand that supports this pay. For more transparency, affiliate links are followed by an asterisk (*). Example: I'm glad you're here. / I'm glad you're here.

You are currently viewing How much does Elementor Pro cost?

This article has 9 comments

  1. Nick

    J’ai enfin trouvé les réponses à mes questions au sujet de élémentor pro !!! Bravo pour le site 🙂
    J’ai néanmoins une question au sujet de la clé API et de la réutilisation du plug in. Vous expliquez que si l’on prend l’abonnement essentiel 1, nous ne pourrons pas le réutiliserpour d’autre site, mais en bas dans « les contres » sur le non renouvellement d’abonnement, vous indiquez qu’on ne pourra plus transférer le plug in (je comprend :  » que l’on peut tous de même le transférer ? »)
    Merci pour vos infos

  2. Didier

    Je viens de prendre un abonnement pro mais à l’usage je ne suis pas satisfait. Est il possible de se faire rembourser. Il n’y a pas 48 h que je viens de souscrire.

  3. Elementips

    Salut Didier. Oui je pense que tu peux te faire rembourser sans problème. Contacte Elementor, tu as quelques jours encore.

  4. Fontanay

    Peut on changer de plans en cours d’année et comment ?
    Par exemple je démarre avec 3 sites et je me rends compte que l’activité marche bien. Puis je passer d’un plan 3 sites Advanced au plan Expert 25 sites en cours d’année ?
    Techniquement comment faire ?
    Merci de votre retour

  5. Myriam

    Bonjour, Si je prends un abonnement un site et si j’installe l’extension en localhost, pourrais-je ensuite migrer sur serveur distant sans soucis de licence ?

  6. Elementips

    Oui Myriam, y’a pas de souci, tu le pourras.

  7. Elementips

    Oui Thierry, tu peux upgrader quand tu veux, directement en changeant d’abonnement depuis ton compte Elementor.

  8. Chris

    Bonjour, si prends l’option 25 sites, que je monte un site sur un hébergeur A et que je lui associe une licence Elementor, que se passe t’il si je migre ce site sur un autre hébergeur ? Est ce que je perd une licence ou bien puis je la migrer avec le site?

  9. Elementips

    Non tu peux migrer et 1 seule licence sera comptabilisée 😉

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